Monday, March 28, 2011

These Feet Were Made For Walkin....

And that's just what they'll do!

I had an awesome week this week! Or so I thought! I GAINED another 0.8 this week. The most frustrating part is that I stayed on plan with Weight Watchers all week! This really has me fed up--and upset. Which has had me on an emotional eating bender.

I can't even remember how many pieces of left over birthday cake (Parker turned 1 this past weekend) I've eaten. And I'm disgusted with myself. Enter more sadness, enter more eating. It's a vicious freaking cycle. Ugh.

So I have a new plan (Funny, I seem to have one every week lately). My feet and I are going to start training for a 5k. I have NEVER ran for 3.11 miles, I'd be lucky if I could run for 3 minutes! I'm not planning on running some super serious race or anything, but a mapped out 3.11 miles around the neighborhood small steps. I love seeing the sights, and living near a lake and a downtown, it's a wonder why I haven't got my butt out to see it!

The biggest problem I have with trying to sneak in a workout is that I have a time-sucking infant. But I'm hopeful that fitting in some running and walking will be easy. I can put the baby in the stroller and just take off. And with the warmer weather coming hopefully, it's just a no-brainer to get my fat behind outside.

This small goal of running a 5k is going to help me with my 2 larger goals.

Goal 1
This summer, I intend on walking to my local farmer's market whenever I go. Then hoofin' my whole lot home. 10-25 lbs of produce strapped to my back is bound to burn some extra calories!

Goal 2
Those of you that know me know that I lost my mom at age 8 due to complications of Diabetes. I do the ADA's Walk for Diabetes every year in memory of my mom. This fall, I'm going to run it. The course is 6.8 miles. And I'm going to make my mom proud.

Maybe, I'll be sportin' a sweet new pair of Earth Footwear to all of these places my feet will be taking me!


  1. awesome goals with the walking, where is the diabetes walk since wer both in michigan maybe if its not o far from me i can join ya ? well have an awesoem week

  2. These are great goals for the year. I am sorry you are frustrated with your weight despite being on WW this week. I have faith in you and your long-term goals though. You will do great.

  3. It's ok to slip up every once in a while. But making the decision to stop the cycle is the biggest part!

    It was hard for me too, but you can do it! (hopefully with new shoes on your feet!!)

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Nice to meet a fellow coach. You have some great goals for the summer. Don't be too hard on yourself for a small gain. You are still doing things that are very healthy for your body.

  5. I love the idea of hoofin it to the farmers market and home. That's a great idea!

    When/where is the Walk for Diabetes? I'd love to run it if you'd like a training partner.

  6. The walk for diabetes is usually at Lake Erie Metropark outside of Gibraltar, MI. But they hold them nationally. So you can find a local one if you wish. Here's the link:
