Saturday, March 5, 2011

Groupon--Saving Money on New and Old Favorites

I've fallen in love. But I'm not cheating on my husband. I LOVE GROUPON!

Groupon is a fabulous site that is saving people like you and me buku bucks every day! And who doesn't love a good deal?! Groupon serves a bunch of states and territories across the US and Canada.

Groupon is a name derived from the words "Group" and "Coupon", and that's exactly how the site opperates. A given amount of people, a group, if you will, purchase a coupon, and once that amount is reached, the deal is active. And everyone who purchases the groupon recives the Groupon. I have never seen it happen, as the daily groupons are very popular, but if a groupon fails to sell the set amount, those that purchased it before it was active are not charged. Groupon even offers the convience of sending "The Daily Deal" to your inbox, so you wake up to a new bargain every day! You can even buy the bargain for someone else as a gift if it's something you think they might enjoy.

I cannot even begin to tell you how much money Groupon has saved me. These are just some of the deals I have bought:

$15 for $30 worth of Groceries at Plum Market
$24 for $285 worth of yoga classes at Yoga Shelter
$5 for $10 worth of frozen yogurt at Swirlberry (I got one for a gift as well)
$16 for $33 worth of organic produce from Door to Door Organics
$15 for $30 worth of spices from Milford Spice Company
$39 for $179 worth of excercise classes at Jazzercise
$10 for $20 worth of merchandise at Barnes & Noble
$20 for $40 worth of merchandise at The Body Shop

As you can see, there are groupons for just about anything! And these are just the ones I have bought myself!

If you'd like to sign up and what you can save, click here! It's a great way to afford something that you may not have otherwise been able, try something new, or treat your family to some fun family time together. So check it out! You can thank me later! ;)

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