Age: 20 something
College: Oakland University
Degree: B.A. English w/ Departmental Honors
Graduate School: Wayne State University
Degree: Masters in Library and Information Science (in progress0
Family: Married 5 years to my husband, We have 1 three year old son.
Community Groups: Phi Theta Kappa, Sigma Tau Delta, Mamavation,,American Library Association, Michigan Library Association
Favorite Things: Reading, Knitting, Crafting, Exercise
Favorite Pastime: Spending time with my beautiful family
Biggest Strength: I'm extremely driven, I love to please people through my acomplishments.
Biggest Weakness: Cake and Pizza. I'm a sucker for a good slice of either.
The Story
I grew up in a small town in the Detroit suburbs, and that's shaped the way I live my life. Being from Redford, I have great respect for diversity; race, creed, sexual orientation, and financial differences. There's a sampling of every different kind of person in that town. I've worked in a library for the past 7 years, and I could not ask for a better job. I love it. I have a passion for early literacy, and some of my early lit tips can be found on my other blog, Early Literacy Mama. Parenting, working, and grad school can drive me totally insane, but I do it all for the betterment of my family, so I wouldn't change a thing.